Earlier this month at WWDC 2023, Apple unveiled a new notebook, the MacBook Air, with a 15.3-inch display and a proprietary M2 processor. It recently went on sale, and iFixit experts have already had a chance to take it apart and assess its repairability.

Here’s What We’ve Seen

Inside, the new MacBook Air is very similar to the previous 13-inch model, but with two additional speakers. Its sound system consists of six rather than four speakers. Battery capacity is slightly increased too, but Apple says that the battery life of the 15-inch laptop is the same as that of the 13-inch.

The battery cells have adhesive tabs for easier removal, but the battery can only be accessed after removing a few other components.

Disassembly also reveals a board with an M2 chip and a single NAND chip for the 256GB model, which could lead to slower SSD read and write speeds than the 512GB, 1TB or 2TB models.

According to iFixit, repairing the MacBook Air is still a daunting task, so the new version scored only 3 out of a possible 10 for repairability.

Source: https://gagadget.com/en/262754-ifixit-takes-apart-the-new-macbook-air-its-still-nearly-impossible-to-repair-amp/